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Lezioni di Pianoforte

Major scales with flats

Major scales with flats parallel movement

Scales prove to be an integral and indispensable element of studying music, especially learning to play the piano. Practising scales is not only an important factor for developing agility, but it also helps you to get a profound theoretical background, useful in understanding the structure of music pieces.
It is important to learn and practise the scales from the earliest years of studies so as to achieve a satisfactory level of technical skill. This will provide you with one of the fundamental techniques, useful in the execution of many compositions at different levels of study.

For the preparatory exercises of the scales you can refer to the lessons "Learning scales" and "thumb passage".
Regarding the organization of the alterations see chapter titled “4 Learning scales”

Example 1
Scala fa maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala fa maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

Example 2
Scala si bemolle maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala si bemolle maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

Example 3
Scala mi bemolle maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala mi bemolle maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

Example 4
Scala la bemolle maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala la benolle maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

Example 5
Scala re bemolle maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala re bemolle maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

Example 6
Scala sol bemolle maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala sol bemolle maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

Example 7
Scala do bemolle maggiore mano destra in Braille
Scala do bemolle maggiore mano sinistra in Braille

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