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Utilisant le Bme2

Braille Music Editor is a tool which allows blind people to write and read music independently in the format which is a sort of bridge between a traditional Braille transcription and an ordinary score on the staff. You will not only be able to read the score on your Braille display, but also listen to the tune in your computer (using Midi Player function). Moreover, the BMML format you will receive can be exported to MusicXML or TXT formats.

The XML files can be opened by popular music editors, such as Finale or Sibelius and thus they become accessible to the sighted or can be printed out on the staff. The TXT files can be printed with the use of Braille embossers using one of the Braille editors.

These seem to be sufficient reasons to make getting acquainted with BME2 worthwhile. Very soon it will become your most convenient tool in your work with Braille music.


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