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Index of signs

The index of signs page contains the braille symbols taken from the following chief manuals:
  1. International Manual of Braille Music Notation, 1956
  2. New International Manual of Braille Music Notation, 1996
  3. "Compendio di Notazione Musicale Braille", Guglielmo Vassio, 2002
To search more than one Braille character use comma.
Braille dots Description Example Instrument Manual
First Finger 1 primodito 8-2 piccola International Manual
Left Toe 1 puntasinistra 15-30 piccola International Manual
Ring finger anular empty International Manual
Left hand (percussion) 1 manosinistra 8-14 piccola International Manual
first piston empty brass Vassio
syllabic slur empty vocal Vassio
1 2
Second Finger empty International Manual
1 2
Left heel empty International Manual
1 2
Two syllables sung on one note 12 duesillabe 16-8 piccola International Manual
1 2
second piston empty brass Vassio

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